Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Hitting Reset/ cleaning out the closets.

I cannot believe my last post was my mother's death. I did not do this on purpose and it just goes to show I have grieved her more than I thought.  I felt like I didn't grieve her death correctly because I was not a blubbering mess, in fact I barely cried at all. I think I shed more tears this Mother's Day and  during the Holidays then I did during her whole funeral. I guess for me grieving is more of a "slow burn" than a quick process.

I am currently  in the process of "Hitting The Reset Button" on my life and cleaning out all the junk both physically and emotionally. I have started with my office and am in the process of cleaning and organizing everything. It is amazing how much junk accumulates in closets and drawers and it is very liberating to throw it out. I am keeping objects that hold good memories and throwing out or burning any that are associated with the bad or considered clutter. I'm not sure if "Hitting Reset" is an accurate analogy but this is more of a cleansing process for me. For Mother's Day I had a bonfire and burned some of her things that I associate with the cancer and death.

I also have come to the realization that in order to call myself a professional my office and space should reflect that so this is another reason for the cleaning.

And not to forget,  I am still on a mission of 40lbs down by age 40 so this is also part of this process.

Once my office is complete in the next few days I will post some photos.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mama has gone to Heaven

This is a different post and yes it is about death.
My mother passed away yesterday from liver cancer that started in the colon.
I loved my mother with all my heart but the sad truth is she never took care of herself.
She loved my brothers and I what you could consider a little too much.
In her adult life after we were all grown she still would not make her well being a priority.
Now I know death is a part of life and I accept things worked out just as God intended.
But, I do feel somewhat cheated in my mom only living 70 yeas when we've had several other family member's including my Grandmother who lived to be 90.

Bottom line that I will keep driving and preaching for the rest of my life is to make your health a priority. Life is short and it does end but who wants to end up rotting in a nursing home from poor self care?
And if you need some inspiration I highly recommend visiting one.
It's heart breaking to see those people in there who have no hope.
And I'm not judging them by any means because I do not know what put them there.
I just know it's a place I want to avoid being put in at all costs.

Stay strong and say a prayer for my family.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The 90 Day Challenge

Well, here we are in c-c-c-cold February and things are chugging along.

My wife and I have decided to try some new things.
The two major things I am doing now is making my own juice using a juicer and I am also trying the Body By Vii 90 Day Challenge.

If you don't know what the Vii Challenge is then go here for more info.

VISALUS 90 DAY Challenge

Now, more about the juicing. All I can say is wow! If you've never had freshly made homemade juice I highly recommend it. It is so delicious and free from all the extra crap they put in store bought juices.

I just started these new changes about a week ago so no real progress to report just yet. I am hoping this will kick start the pounds coming off.

Stay tuned...